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Selamat Datang di Kontak Perkasa Futures

Selamat datang di Kontakperkasa online. Melalui website ini kami berupaya untuk dapat melayani Anda dimanapun Anda berada, terutama dalam kemudahan bertransaksi sekaligus layanan informasi berupa sajian berita terkini beserta analisisnya. Sebuah apresiasi atas kepercayaan memilih perusahaan kami sebagai partner investasi anda.

Data on a Touch Pad


PT. Kontakperkasa Futures, selaku anggota dari Bursa Berjangka Jakarta dan anggota Kliring Berjangka Indonesia, berbekal pengalaman dan kemampuan dalam mengembangkan perdagangan berjangka komoditi di tanah air, saat ini telah memiliki kantor pelayanan dibeberapa kota di Indonesia, meliputi kota  Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bali, Balikpapan, Makassar, Surabaya dan Bandung dengan menyediakan layanan transaksi derivatif lainnya yang sangat diminati investor yaitu transaksi derivatif indeks saham selain transaksi derivatif komoditi yang telah ada.

Perdagangan berjangka di PT. Kontakperkasa Futures dilakukan secara komputerisasi demikian juga untuk memantau harga di lantai bursa dilakukan secara on-line. PT. Kontakperkasa Futures senantiasa berupaya untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada seluruh calon nasabah dan nasabah.

PT Kontak Perkasa Futures

My Services

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Business Meeting

Corporate Finance Consulting

The Path to Success

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Campaign Pitch

Marketing Strategy Advising

A Comprehensive Approach

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Business Performance Consulting

Expert Guidance

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Kami juga Menyajikan beberpa berita seputar bisnis, dunia, lifestyle, serta tips dan trik,

 yang mungkin bisa bermanfaat bagi anda

Cutting Edge Consulting Tailored for You

My Services

PT KontakPerkasa Futures is your one-stop-shop for all your consulting related needs. With all the hustle and bustle going on during the day, it’s easy to veer off track. Sometimes, all it takes is a little help from a professional to put you back on the right path. Since 2000, I’ve been considered an industry-leading Business Management Consultant in the San Francisco area, and I look forward to working with you soon.


Business Performance Consulting

Expert Guidance Every Step of the Way

Since 2000, I’ve provided my clients with extensive and tailored consulting services. A lot of people underestimate the positive impact of a licensed professional and prefer to work alone. However, my Business Performance Consulting services will put you in the right direction and guide you through every step of the decision-making process. Get in touch today and see how you can benefit from my services.

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Business Meeting

Corporate Finance Consulting

A Comprehensive Approach to Consulting

At PT KontakPerkasa Futures, I provide a wide range of consulting services tailored to our clients’ needs. My Corporate Finance Consulting services are designed to analyze, confront, and solve your professional issues. I’m a results-oriented Business Management Consultant and will work with you throughout the entire decision-making process. Contact me to find out how I can help today.

Get In Touch
Campaign Pitch

Marketing Strategy Advising

Putting You On the Path to Success

PT KontakPerkasa Futures is your go-to source for all things consulting. Since 2000, I’ve provided my clients with a wide range of services tailored to their specific needs. As an industry-leading Business Management Consultant, my Marketing Strategy Advising services are guaranteed to put you back on the track of success. Call me today and find out how I can help you achieve your goals.

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Business Meeting

Contact Me

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JL. Jendral SUDIRMAN, Komplek BSB Block B , 35-37, Balikpapan , Kalimantan Timur





0542 - 732225

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